Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Star Plot

This star plot is a graphical representation of multivariate data. This star plot is produced by NASA of automated designs.

Correlation Matrix

A correlation matrix gives correlations between all points of data sets. This is a matrix of strategic objectives.

Similarity Matrix

Similarities between two data points are shown in this similarity matrix. This matrix shows similarities of molecules.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and leaf plots are useful tools to help visualize quantitative data divided into categories. Average hours of sleep are shown in this plot.

Box Plot

Box plots are very useful to graph groups of numberical data through their five number summaries. this is a box plot of car milages.


Histogram is a graphical display of tabulated frequencies. This is a histogram of a factories quality audit.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Multivariate relations are obtained through the use of these graphs. Specific properties of the relationship correspond to the geometrical properties of the graph.

Triangular Plot

A triangular plot displays data in a triangle. Here is a triangular plot of election votes.


A wind rose is a graphical tool utilized by meteorologists to depict how wind speed and direction are distributed at a specific location. This is a windrose of Moab.


A climograph is a graphical representation of the monthly precipitation and temperature conditions for a specific region. This climograph is of national drought mitigation.

Population Profile

Population profile maps present a graphic overview of several demographic statistics collected certain data. This profile shows consumption and income profiles in China.


A scatterplot uses Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables froma given set of data. Here is an example of a scatter plot for the heart disease data from the UCI repository.

Index Value Plot

An index value plot is useful for showing discrepencies in data. This plot is of noise control of random signals.

Lorenz Curve

The lorenze curve graphically represents the cumulative distribution function of a probability distribution. This graph is a lorenz curve of the US econonmy in '94.

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph shows increases on one side of a zero line and decreases on the other. This map shows increases and decreases in humanitarian services in various countries.

Nominal Area Choropleth

Nominal area choropleth map is a choropleth map that is used to dispaly nominal qualitative data. This nominal map of Africa has political data with no implicit order.

Unstandardized Choropleth

Unstandardized choropleths show raw, unaveraged data. This map show vacancy by zip code.

Standardized Choropleth

Standardized choropleth maps show a standardized comparison of distribution among different areas. This is a standardized (according to area and population of the state) choropleth map of the population density of the United States.

Univariate Choropleth

A univariate choropleth map displays a single data set. In this map, the single topic is hay production for a given year.

Bivariate Choropleth

Bivariate choropleth maps display two different variables displayed on one map by including two different sets of graphic symbols or colors. This is a bivariate choropleth map comparing population density and population change in Russia.

Unclassed Choropleth map

The unclassed choropleth assigns shadings proportional to the data values so that these choropleth maps do not have to classify the data. This map shows the amount of lightning flashes per square km per year in Florida.

Classed Choropleth maps

A classed choropleth map utilizes classification techniques to 'break up' intervals, which consist of: equal steps, quantiles, natural breaks and minimum variance. This classed choropleth tells us percentages groups of latinos by counties in Florida.

Range Graded Proportional Circle map

Range-graded proportional circle maps have evenly graded circles to show statistical information. They have set numbers of circle size, in contrast to continously variable poroportional circle maps which have infinite sizes. This map shows Mexican poplulation in the US.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Continously Proportional Circle Map

A continuously variable proportional circle map is a proportional circle map which utilizes circles to create point data. This relates the scales to the specific data. The circles are in proportion to the variable being measured.


Here is a DOQQ(digital orthophoto quadrangle) map of Lake Travis conducted by the University of Texas at Austin, Texas. This was part of an attempt to help create a better floodplain map for Lake Travis and the surrounding area. A DOQQ map is a computer generated image of an aerial photo with geometric qualities of a map.


DEM is also known as a Digital Elevation Model. Here is a digital representation of the ground surface of Antarctica. They are usually made with remote sensing as opposed to direct surveying through the use of satellites.


A DLG is a digital line graph, which is a form of a digital map derived from hypographic data. It was developed by the United States Geological survey. The above map is of the Bullcreek Wildlife management area and shows rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, highways, and back roads.


Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs) are digitized USGS topo maps. These maps alllow for hybridization with other digital data.


An isopleth map generalizes and simplifies data with a continuous distribution. It shows the data as a third dimension on a map. This isopleth shows germination/growth rates in relation to temp and relative humidity.


Isopach maps are frequently used to assist geologists. They map the areal extent and thickness variation of a stratigraphic unit. Here is an isopach map displaying the ash fall from the Cerro Negro Volcano in Nicaragua.


Isohyets are lines connecting points of equal amounts of rainfall. This isohyet map shows rainfall on the coast of Australia.


Isotachs connect points off equal wind speed over a given location. This maps shows isobars measured in knots.


Isobars are contour lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure. Here is an isobar map in which each blue isobar is 4mb.


LIDAR uses laser pulses to measure scattered light and determine range/distance of distant objects. This LIDAR image is used for archaeology.

Doppler Radar

A Doppler Radar uses the Doppler effect of returned echoes bouncing microwaves off of certain objects to measure their radial velocity. Shown is a doppler image of a tornado.

Black and White Aerial

Black and white aerial photos are photos taken from the sky without color. These photos are good for big places are show texture/shades more clearly than a color or infrared photo. This photo shows a city block.

Infrared Aerial Photo

Infrared aerial photos are sensitive to light in the infrared spectrum and can show us environmental factors/conditions. This infrared aerial shows us vegetation layers (green) and oyster aquaculture areas outlined in red.

Cartographic Animation

A cartographic animation shows us temporal information that is best shown in an animated format. Common examples are weather map animations. This map is of Hurricane Katrina.

Statistical map

A statistical map tells us information using colors AND symbols to express rates, ratios, percentages, trends, and other statistical data. This statistical map shows us the varying degrees of total crime offenses in Denver, CO.


Cartograms are thematic maps that show characteristics by making selected areas larger. Cartograms sacrafice true area to show thematic properties. This cartogram distorts area to show global amphibian diversity.

Flow Map

Flow maps show travel from one place to another. It can show individuals, migrations, goods, planes, trains, and automobiles. This flow map shows trucks leaving from Texas around the country.

Isoline map

Isoline maps depict geographic areas with lines of equal value. This is a bathymetric map that depicts elevation of surfaces below water. Lines of equal value represent the elevation.

Proportional Circle map

Proportional circle maps are useful for showing population density by using circles/dots as symbols. In contrast to a dot distribution map, a proportional circle map increases the size a dot to show larger population rather than adding more dots. This map shows population density in Canada.

Choropleth map

Choropleth maps are thematic maps that show themes/patterns/characteristics by different colors or shades. This choropleth shows spending trends of overseas residents in 2003 in different shades of pink.

Dot Distribution maps

Dot distribution maps are useful tools for showing population. Dots are used to represent a given number of people/plants/families/etc. This map of the US shows 7500 per dot.

Propoganda Map

Propoganda maps are produced to influence peoples' thinking about the place displayed. Propoganda maps are often politically incorrect. This propoganda map of North America is propaganda to influence US nationalism and anti-immigration.

Hypsometric map

Hypsometric maps are topographic representations that show elevation by relief contours of colors or shades. This map shows elevations of mountains in Tajikistan.

PLSS maps

The Public Land Survey System is a manner of dividing and describing US public domain lands through a series of rectangular grid surveys, according to standards set by the Bureau of Land Management. PLSS maps are usually divided into 6 mile square townships, which are then sub-divided into 36 one mile squares.

Cadastral maps are 2-D maps that shows us property and ownership boundaries of land parcels. This cadastral map gives us the boundaries of cities in Deleware County, Ohio.

Thematic maps show spacial patterns of characteristics. These characteristics can be measured qualitatively (i.e soil type) or quantitatively (i.e population density). These thematic maps of California include map themes such as climate (qualitative) and precipitation (quantitative).